Query for INVALID Objects
Query to identify invalid objects:
With the article “Query for INVALID Objects,” we have the ability to quickly identify objects that have, for some reason, changed status from VALID to INVALID.
If a code change is made on a DDL, it’s possible for the object to become invalid, which can cause various issues, such as slowdowns or, in the worst-case scenario, blocks.
In such cases, we can easily identify objects experiencing this issue through the query provided below.
The selected fields are the OWNER, representing the object’s owner, the OBJECT_TYPE (whether it’s an INDEX, PACKAGE, PROCEDURE, etc.), the name of the object, and the status of the invalid objects.
set lines 130
col owner for a20
col object_name for a40
col object_type for a25
col status for a20
select owner, object_type, object_name , status
from dba_objects
where status != 'VALID'
order by
owner, object_type;
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