Basic Linux commands

In the article Basic Linux commands I’m going to share with you the main commands that will allow you to manage the operating system. The GNU/Linux OS is the most used in Enterprise environments. The Linux server operating system, in most cases, is managed from the Linux command line. You should learn all commands explained here if you want to work in ICT Industry.
So here you will find a list of main basic linux commands:
The directory management
cd <directory_name> = Command to enter a directory cd .. = Go back one directory cd ../ .. = Go back 2 directories cd = Go to the home of the user you are connected with rmdir <directory> = Delete directory only if there are no files pwd = See the path you are in mkdir = Create a directory mkdir -p / path / from / create = Create all path with one command mkfs.ext4 = Format a partition to ext4
File Management
ls = Command list. Show the files of the directory you are in ls -ltr = Show files with relative permissions and owner, last update date and size of files present in a directory ls -ltra = Show hidden files with the characteristics of the previous command cp foo bar = Copy the file foo with the file bar mv foo / tmp = Move file to directory / tmp rm -f foo = Remove files foo rm -fr <directory> = Delete the directory and the files inside cat = View a complete file grep = Search for the word cat foo | grep hello = search the file foo for all lines with the word hello head -50 = Display the first 50 lines of a file tail -50f = Display the last 50 lines and see the live log touch <filename> = Create files ./<filename> = Running a script
Utilities Management
adduser = Create a user addgroup = Create a group passwd = Change password passwd oracle = Run as root we change the Oracle user password su - = Become root user su - oracle = Become oracle user sudo su - oracle = Become an oracle user if you are a member of sudoers users
File System Management
df -k = Show file system size in KB df -h = Show file system size in GB du -ks * = Show directories with their size in KB If you have any doubts or want to add some commands to the list, contact me privately. I will be happy to support you.
Permission and ownership
chown oracle: dba <filename> = Change the owner and group to oracle dba of a file chmod 777 <filename> = Assign maximum permissions to a file
Network Commands
ping = Contact an ip or host name ip addr = View network interface details scp pippo [email protected]: / home / oracle = Copy the file pippo with the oracle user to the remote server by depositing the file in the path / home / oracle sftp = Connection in sftp to transfer from one server to another with the get and put commands ssh = Ssh connection to a Linux or Unix server
Process and Resource control
top = Process and resource monitoring ps -ef = Process list ps -ef | grep oracle | grep LOCAL = NO = List of oracle system user processes and processes related to application sessions kill -9 <Processes ID> = Kills the indicated process.
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