Perchè i nostri corsi sono i migliori?
Vantiamo il 100% dei corsisti assunti come DBA
Strategia di studio vincente
Materiale didattico unico nel suo genere.
Slide, Quiz, Esercizi, Simulazioni operative, ore di registrazioni e di lezioni con docente.
Assunzione garantita
I corsi di formazione professionale sono fondamentali per raggiungere l'obbiettivo.
E la nostra strategia fino ad ora si è rivelata infallibile.
Supporto lavorativo
Per chi ha acquistato il percorso formativo completo, avrà accesso ad un canale di supporto tecnico.
Welcome to, the new E-Lerning platform for learning and managing the Oracle database.
Our courses offer a WINNING learning service !!!
We don’t just teach you the Oracle database like many online courses or like other training schools, who are concerned with making you follow the program and release the “piece of paper”, without following up on the time spent.
Not US!
Our objective will be to help you getting a job!
At the end of the training course you will be ready to face an interview and start your DBA career !!!
We offer the necessary teaching material with which to immerse yourself in a multimedia path, where all aspects concerning the Oracle database will be explained in detail, starting from the basics.
We will start from the bases, which will be transmitted through the installation and customization of the operating system.
The preparation of the environment is a fundamental step to become familiar with the logics related to the physical components of the database system. Once the Linux server is prepared, we will move on to installing and creating the Oracle database. The main activities carried out by a DBA will be presented and explained in detail. Once the new laboratory environment consisting of a Linux Centos 7 server and an Oracle database is ready, we will move on to the fundamentals of Oracle.
The SQL language will be explained in detail, which will allow us to query and interact with our database. The technical training will be explained in 3 distinct courses and this will allow you to acquire the right skills to start working without big surprises. But all this will not be enough to be recruited by companies looking for staff.
We have the answer.
It won’t be you who worries about looking for work, but it will be work to look for you. The method studied is 100% functional and will be presented in 2 separate courses. How to be visible and inviting to companies. How to pass a job interview. The 2 courses will be the key to accessing the desired position and following up on what has been built. In addition, to help you find your new job position, the portal will present weekly the best DBA positions open in Italy and in the world. Finally, we will support you by supporting you daily by providing statements on the Query SQL page, which are essential for querying and managing the Oracle database, guaranteeing our support in the face of doubts or questions.
Get in Touch
Alessandro Caredda DBA Specialist
[email protected]
+39 351 7929888
Mon - Fri, 8:00-20:00