Published by Patrizia Gardis on

With the article DBMS_IJOB BROKEN FALSE, we provide a statement that allows enabling a JOB of another user from the BROKEN state.

In other words, we re-enable it with the scheduled scheduling as specified during creation.

When a scheduled JOB in the Oracle database encounters a failure, it is rerun after 1 minute. If it fails again, it is run after 2 minutes. If it fails again, it is run again after 4 minutes and so on, until the sixteenth attempt.

This allows for the end of this cycle and puts the JOB in the BROKEN state.

With article DBMS_IJOB Broken we explicitly set the BROKEN state of a JOB with the parameter TRUE.

Instead, in this case, we re-enable the JOB, again explicitly using the same package, but unlike before, instead of setting the parameter TRUE, we will launch it with the parameter FALSE.

In the following article, we provide the statement to enable a JOB from the BROKEN state.

Removing the JOB from the BROKEN state with the parameters DBMS_IJOB BROKEN FALSE:

exec dbms_ijob.broken (&JOB,FALSE);

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