Query to View ASM DiskGroup Spaces

With the article “Query to View ASM DiskGroup Spaces,” we provide a query to identify ASM Disk Groups and their sizes.

Now let’s dive straight into the article regarding the queries to view ASM DiskGroup spaces.
The selected fields are:
NAME – Name of the ASM Disk Group TOTAL_MB – Total size of the ASM Disk Group FREE_MB – Free space size of the ASM Disk Group PERC_USED – Percentage of space used by the ASM Disk Group
The information is retrieved from the V$ASM_DISKGROUP table.
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select name, total_mb, free_mb,
100 - ROUND(100 * free_mb / decode(nvl(total_mb,0),0,1,total_mb)) as perc_used
from V$asm_diskgroup;
Stay tuned! Non solo Query spazi DiskGroup ASM
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